

The Starbucks Latte Index

Starbucks Latte Index | 2013 | Purchasing Power Parity | Currencies

Yankees, Retired #8 As Yogi Berra once quipped, “a nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.”  Below is a chart from the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg News depicting the purchasing power of a dollar using a Starbucks Latte. It’s probably…

The Middle Manager’s Oath

Cover of Issue 9; Published 2002 You can find the comical article titled The Middle Manager’s Oath written by Christopher Mah at McSweeney’s, a magazine founded by editor Dave Eggers, the Bay Area Bard.  For those who are not aware…

Top 10 Reasons For Fiat Currencies

Yuan Dynasty Banknotes (circa 14th century) Let’s end the year with some humor from The Daily Capitalist and its recent post titled “Top Ten Reasons Why Fiat Currency Is Superior To Gold (Or Silver) Money.” The Top 10 Reasons are…