We’ve been asked by several people for us to include them on our e-mail list for updates, news and deal announcements, and such. We will do so, but really haven’t used it much. If you want to be added to our email list, then contact us directly and request to be added or use the subscription button on our Contacts page.
Spring 2025 One-pager (Midwest office)
Others have asked us to send them our one-pager so they may share it with their network of contacts, portfolio company leadership, and like minded professionals. We’ve been personally emailing it.
However, we thought we should also share it on a blog/announcement post so others who subscribe to our blogentary may download it if they so choose. You may subcribe via email (again, see the Contacts page) or the RSS button in the right sidebar on a desktop.
Anyway, the spring 2025 one-pager (Midwest office) is available below:
The spring 2025 one-pager is also available to download on our website in the lower right side of the footer section of every page.