Category Business

The Business category is relatively broad and will be sub-divided into a hierarchy as posts assigned to it accumulate.

SEC Assures Tax Payers It Is Hard At Work

In the past few years, investors and tax payers have been victims of securities fraud from WorldCom and Enron, to Bernie Madoff and the shenanigans of Allied Capital.  Nevertheless, citizens continue to pay taxes to fund government regulators such as…

Stop The Presses

Blogging News | Decline of Print Newspapers | Coventry League Blogentary
For those interested in strategy, adapting to a changing environment, consumer behavioral trends, and, well, outright mismanagement, then analyzing the newspaper and print media industry provides a real-world, in-progress case study.

Offsetting LLC Losses

Top U.S. Federal marginal income tax rates. Given the challenging economic climate, more businesses are incurring accounting losses.  A concern for some owners is whether they are permitted to offset losses with other sources of income.  With regard to a…

Lessons From The Dark Side

VentureBeat published an informative blog titled “ten lessons from a failed startup,” by Mark Goldenson.  In late 2007, he and his partner planned to start an internet TV network for games called PlayCafe.Here are three important takeaways: 1.)  Knowing versus…