Why Do So Many Voters Consider the Economy as a Top Issue?

An increasing percentage of voters consider the economy to be a top issue in 2024 versus 2020. Is Jeff Bezos correct about statistics versus anecdotes?
An M&A and Strategic Finance Advisor
An M&A and Strategic Finance Advisor
Topics related to economic conditions and statistics, competition, jobs, growth, regulations, etc.
An increasing percentage of voters consider the economy to be a top issue in 2024 versus 2020. Is Jeff Bezos correct about statistics versus anecdotes?
Over the past eleven years, the growth of new car prices has been 4.6% annually. Here’s our question: “Why haven’t car prices decreased by a few percent each year?” Rusticus explains.
The Ukraine needs just two more weeks and a bit more money to flatten the Russians.
Each federal taxpayer of our once Great Republic needed to pay $836,000 to get Uncle Sam out of debt as of September 2021.