Category Economy

Topics related to economic conditions and statistics, competition, jobs, growth, regulations, etc.

Running On A Hamster Wheel

If you want to gain a better idea of why economics is sometimes referred to as the dismal science, then reference the 50 statistics about the U.S. economy highlighted on the Coalition of the Obvious (COTO) Report’s blog. The blog…

I Say Deflation; You Say Inflation

Winnie-the-Pooh There is disagreement among economic observers regarding whether the economy is more likely to experience troubling inflation or deflation in the next couple of years. Some who expect increased inflation reference current fiscal and monetary policies that, alone, are…

Un-Taxing Times, Approximately The federal estate tax, also dubbed the “death tax” by some, will be repealed for 2010, at least as of this writing.  This means that wealth transferred upon death, regardless of amount, will incur zero federal taxes.  Or, expressed…

Do We Really Need More Cowbell?

Remember the Saturday Night Live sketch with actor Christopher Walken portraying a music producer who prods a rock band to use more Cowbell?  Quite comical.   Now, replace Cowbell with Education, and we get a sense of the laments of many…