Category Digressions

This is a generic category that includes topics not otherwise assigned to any of the main categories of Coventry League’s blog, the Blogentary.

Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em

Photo credit: Alexandre Prévot from Nancy, France – Porsche 356 C (Flickr). Actually, Elon “Smoke ‘Em If You Got ’Em” Musk seems quite knowledgeable about engineering and design. He’s certainly a clever marketer. This video alone already has had more…

Man In The Arena

Investor LeBron scores big off of Liverpool’s Champion League run. ​Many long-suffering Cleveland Browns fans are cherishing the competitive spirit of the Cavaliers as they embark on Game-3 of the Quarterfinals of the NBA Playoffs against the Toronto Raptors. ESPN…

More George Bailey, Less Mr. Potter

A scene from “It’s a Wonderful Life” courtesy of The New York Times (10 April 2015). Credit: Bettmann We came across an article in The New York Times written by Sendhil Mullainathan, professor of economics at Harvard University, titled “Why…